Bruker apex 2 software
Bruker apex 2 software

bruker apex 2 software
  1. Bruker apex 2 software pro#
  2. Bruker apex 2 software license#

  • X'Celerator detector - has high sensitivity, a large scan range with exceptional performance at low angles, and data collection up to 100 times faster than point detectors.
  • Bruker apex 2 software pro#

    PANalytical X'Pert Pro MPD powder diffractometer Glassblowing: We have easy access to a full-time glassblower within the Department of Chemistry and Polymer Science.Īdditional resources: Apart from the instrumentation in our own research space, we have access to all of the specialised instrumentation managed by the Central Analytical Facility of the University of Stellenbosch. Another section of the workshop is reserved for the assembly and modification of gas-reticulated systems and we keep a large stock of Swagelok components, pressure transducers, regulators, etc. A section of the workshop is reserved for electronics and we keep stock of the most commonly-used components. The group's workshop houses a range of metalworking tools, including two lathes, a milling machine, drill presses, TIG welder, etc.). However, we also have access to the Science Faculty Workshop for more advanced metal work. We therefore maintain our own workshop facilities for basic operations that we can accomplish ourselves. Workshop: Our research frequently involves the development of new instruments/devices and customisation of existing equipment. We also have access to the Centre for High-Performance Computing and a 1023-node cluster housed in Electrical Engineering for CPU-intensive computational studies. We also have licenses for TOPAS and Materials Studio.Ĭomputing: Each member of the group is supplied with a high-end notebook or desktop computer.

    Bruker apex 2 software license#

    Software: We have a site license for the Cambridge Crystallographic Database. Office space: We have 20 desks for students and postdocs, 3 networked printers, a kitchen and a small meeting room. We also keep a large range of modular items (digital and analogue video cameras, temperature controllers, zoom microscopes, optical bench, motion controllers, Swagelok gas fittings, pressure transmitters, etc.) that we use to assemble apparatus for various non-standard experiments. Standard equipment includes vacuum pumps, balances, chemical cabinets, programmable ovens, rotary evaporators, solvent stills, drying ovens, refrigerators, etc. We occupy five instrumentation laboratories as well as a large synthetic laboratory with 12 fume hoods. Laboratories: Our lab is located in the De Beers Building on the main campus of Stellenbosch University.

    Bruker apex 2 software