Voiced by: Kaoru Shimamura (Japanese), Siân Rees-Cleland (English)The anime version of Lan Asuka is a radically different character from the manga version. But since some of the devil beasts are kids, she is often forced to kill them. In the anime, however, she is a straight girly girl. Tomboy with a Girly Streak: She enjoys sports, athletics and is quite aggressive.Unlike beforehand, theirs is a very tender moment for the both of them. Their First Time: Her actual first time is with Akira.Second Love: To Akira following the univese's Cosmic Retcon.Official Couple: With Aoi in Devilman Grimoire.Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter: Her father studies and researches the Devil Beasts.Full-Frontal Assault: Whenever she's in her Devilman form.Expy: Her anime counterpart is possibly based on Aira Mu from Violence Jack, since, like Aira, Jun is a kind and gentle fashion model known for her good looks, and she also shares Aira's hair style and attractive body.Dude Magnet: Which one of those dude magnet is Akira himself.Cute Monster Girl: Everything 'monstrous' about her only serves to make her more attractive.It's why she wears armor that fits her size when she's grown huge as well. Clothing Damage: Her clothes do not agree with her transformation as Lady.
#Devilman manga meme series
Justified because the anime has a vastly different tone and storyline than the manga, and the duality between Jun and her Devil Beast self is a major plot element and downplayed in that Jun eventually does grow more comfortable with her Devil self, eventually fully embracing it, and grows into more of a confident fighter as the series goes on. She is a push-over compared to her manga counterpart and only displays a strong will and ferocity as Devilman Lady. In the anime, Jun is a shy, timid model who has a hard time adjusting to being a Devil Man and doesn't want anything to do with hunting the Devil Beasts. She reacts like a regular person would in her situation. While she is at first horrified at the reveal of Devil Beasts and that she is a Devil Man, she quickly becomes accustomed to her role as a monster killer. In the manga, Jun is a former Olympic athlete who regularly lifts weights and swims.
When the reveal happens, it becomes apparent that these were Satan/Ryo's feelings towards Akira expressed through Jun. Akira encourages her to leave hell, much to her distress.
Jun states that she's willing to follow him anywhere, whether it be heaven or hell, or even the very edges of the universe, so long as they can be together.
Afterwards, she turns into the Devil Lady. A schoolteacher (manga)/supermodel (anime), she lived a normal life until coming into contact with a Devil Beast. Voiced by: Junko Iwao (Japanese), Shawn Sides (English)The titular main character of the series.